Monday, June 25, 2007

Tamale is a product dedicated to the collection, maintenance, and categorization of research for buy-side firms. It is a server based product that integrates with just about everything that an analyst would use to perform research about a ticker or investment theme (IE, Adobe, Email etc.). The user interface looks exactly like an Outlook mailbox and works similarly in that things are saved in Folders that can be created based on categories that you can define.

A user example.....

Lets say for instance during the course of research an analyst finds a piece of research that they think may be relevant in Reuters Knowledge. All they would have to is simply click on the button that is installed on their local Adobe to send it to the Tamale Server. You can then tag the information based on the ticker or investment theme that the content is related to.

Another reason I looked at this product was for the capability to reduce and better utilize the research that is sent to our analysts via email. Ryan Mackey, who gave the demo ran through the scenario where things are mailed to the server and then automatically scanned by the system and categorized based on the content of the Email. With the email in the system, it is categorized and fully searchable so that analysts can look at investment ideas from the Sell-Side analysts at their own leisure or when they it is applicable.

What was also interesting about Tamale was the ability to take things right off the internet and save it to the system. That way if you find a news story that you think might be of interest you can simply highlight the content you want saved, hit the system button on the top of your browser and send it to the system while tagging it. It is similar to creating an email and sending it to other members of your research departmet except that it is automatically categorized by the system and is searchable at any time.

This is a product that I am going to recommend to my research department.

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